英语话题 英语学习资源 英语微杂志


22018-09-04 10:09:24



◆执行合同 execute/carry out/fulfill a contract

◆使合同生效 bring a contract into effect

◆违背/撤销和约 break/cancel a contract

◆重合同守诺言 honor the contract and keep one’s words

◆再订一个合同 repeat the contract

◆顺利执行合同 to carry out the contract smoothly

◆传真所盘 fax somebody for offers

◆款式 design

◆广交会 Guangzhou Fair

◆展览品 exhibit

◆展出各种商品 a great variety of goods on display

◆丝绸服装 silk garments

◆展出的摊位 exhibits stand

◆畅销 sell fast

◆享有很高声誉 enjoy a high reputation

◆拥有良好销路 command a good market/ find a ready market/enjoy fast sales

◆报拉格斯最低到岸价 quote the lowest price CIF Lagos

◆经营纺织品多年 be in the line of textiles for many years

◆货物受欢迎 the goods are very popular with customers / have met with a warm reception /be well received/accepted/ enjoy a wide popularity among the buyers

◆市场情况恶化 the market take a change for the worse

◆皮革服装 leather garments

◆玻璃制品 glassware

根据平等互利 的原则 on the basis of equality and mutual benefits

◆重合同守信用 honor/observe/respect/abide by/keep to/stick to the contract and keep/fulfill/ carry out one’s promise; stand by what one says

◆公平竞争fair play

◆商业信誉 commercial integrity

◆高度评价 speak highly of

◆与……熟悉 make one’s acquaintance

◆经营某商品be in the line of … product

◆必需品 essential articles

◆税收 duty

◆采取新的外贸政策 take up/adopt new foreign trade policy

◆遵守通行的国际惯例 follow/observe the general international practices

◆分期付款 payment by installments

◆外商独资企业 an enterprise exclusively with foreign capital  

◆补偿贸易 compensation trade

◆外贷 foreign loans

◆进展迅速 progress rapidly

◆保持不变 remain unchanged

◆营销 market

◆完全有理由相信 have every reason to believe in …

◆先进技术与设备 advanced technology and equipment

◆灵活的政策 flexible policy

◆有心事have something on one’s mind

◆经济萧条 economic slackness

◆装船耽搁 delay in shipment

◆通情达理 listen to reason

◆野蛮装卸 rough handling

◆理所当然 stand to reason

◆不合情理 be contrary/against to reason

◆属于你们的业务范围 fall within the scope of your business

◆包装纸 packing paper

◆塑料袋 polybag /polythene bag

◆来料加工processing with supplied materials

◆进料加工 processing with imported materials

◆来样加工 processing with supplied sample

◆来件装配 assembling with supplied parts

◆租赁贸易 leasing trade

◆合资经营 joint venture

◆开信用证 open an L/C

◆和某人达成协议 come to terms with somebody

◆询问有关条款 inquire about terms

◆使某人接受条款 bring somebody to terms

◆执行开放政策 pursue an open-door policy

◆一贯坚持平等互利的原则 always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefits

◆余额以优惠付款的方式在…年内付清 to have the rest in easy payments spread out in …years

◆机床 machine tools

◆专营 specialize in

◆供不应求 demand exceeds supply

◆供过于求 supply exceeds demand

◆服务第一 service is the first motto

◆样品和规格 sample and specification

◆满足你方需求 to meet your requirements

◆还盘 to make an counteroffer./counter bid

◆工艺美术品 arts and crafts

◆激烈竞争 sharp/fierce competition

◆质量和最后一道工序 the quality and finish

◆发货 make the delivery

◆站稳脚跟 set a firm footing in…

◆颜色过于夸张 the color is too high-sounding

◆订购一空 be booked out

◆按时装船 punctual shipment

◆脱销 be out of stock


