英语话题 英语学习资源 英语微杂志


12018-06-01 17:06:50
Let's be real. Being healthy all the time sounds kinda time-consuming. Your life is busy enough. On the other hand, we all deserve to feel good, am I right? We went to the experts to get simple, actionable, everyday to-dos that will keep you feeling and looking energized, fabulous, and all-around healthier.

Find one small way to add more steps to your day.

We sit too much, says Martha Gulati, MD, editor-in-chief of the American College of Cardiology's CardioSmart. Get closer to your 10,000 daily steps by switching up just one daily routine: Park at the end of the office parking lot, get off the bus/subway one stop earlier and walk the distance, deliver a message in person rather than IMing a coworker, or take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator (even if you can only manage 1-2 floors on foot). Be active as much as possible.

Take the earbuds out-for just 5 minute at least.

Pure Yoga instructor Alison O'Connor believes in spending time alone every day. "Taking a few minutes for yourself-away from social media, work, entertainment, and anyone who demands something from you-can go a long way toward mental health." Ditch technology and make you your priority.

Go to bed. Now.

"Sleep is one of the most essential activities of the human body. It's while we sleep that our body is most efficient at recovering and healing itself," says O'Connor. Brooklyn-based nutritionist Julie Fishkin adds that most adults need at least 7-8 hours in order to stave off depression and keep stress hormones at bay, preventing you from overeating.

Refill your water bottle.

Most of us don't drink enough fluids (and no, wine doesn't count-the alcohol is dehydrating). Water helps your skin look fresh, it flushes your bodies of toxins, helps maintain healthy bowel functions (goodbye bloat, hello flatter belly), and keeps muscles from getting fatigued. If you don't already own one, invest in a cute reusable water bottle.

